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In the framework of the All-Russian «RESPECT 2.0» project, artists draw comics with prisoners and the homeless.

To inculcate a sense of political correctness into youth through comics is the unlikely aim of the project «RESPECT 2.0» — a joint project of the Goethe Institute in Moscow, the Youth Human Rights Movement and the Moscow International Festival of Comics «KomMissia» which also had the support of the European Union. Its founders are confident that through comics it is possible to speak to youth in a clear and pertinent language on subjects such as the idea of respect and relations with people of different ethnic, religious and social groups.

On 14th and 15th October the comics project “Respect” was launched at a seminar at the Israeli Cartoon Museum in the city of Holon.
«A fishy story», a new animated comics by Heehoos- the artist, leading light and main representative of this genre in Russia- was created for RESPECT 2.0. Watch «A fishy story» right now and read the interview with Heehoos.

New Respect comics at Comics and Games Festival in Moscow

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